"Life's simple. You make choices and you don't look back."




Name: Slaine Lenox
Other Names: Axel Huorlwesfv of the Muruc, The Nightrunner
Age: 83
Race: Viera (Veena)
Gender: Male
Occupation: Magitek technician, Delivery man, Agent at The Compenidum, Host at Wisteria
Orientation: Heterosexual, monogamous. More info here.
Family: Astra Muruc (Half-sister), one child (not known)
Associates: Valeria Lux Ligarius, Lucius nan Scipiones
Voice Claim - Xander Mobus

Likes: Nightclubs and loud music, Novus D, Warden of the Seven Hues (a valuable fish), fishing in Onokoro and The Ruby Sea, Regalia Type-G, Garlean land machina (motorcycles and automobiles), listening to recordings of Jari Ulvsangen's performances while working, strengthening his aether abilities, camping in the outdoors, tamari on top of everything, women with dark hairDislikes: His sister's spending habits, Dull knives/badly crafted knives, being "by the books" or following regulation (though not in terms of food safety!), beach and hot weather in general, badly rusted gear/busted up equipment, all show and no substance and all bark without biteCharacteristics: Slaine is a taller height for male Viera. He is a lean and fit man that pays close attention to harmony between mind and body--training is of utmost importance to the Viera. His body is conditioned meticulously for endurance purposes. Most other Mist-sensitive Viera would recognize that he has a much weaker constitution and compensates by a constant, disciplined level of training. Slaine has an intricate and colorful irezumi tattoo on his right shoulder down to his arm; it does not signify an allegiance to a particular criminal group. He just likes it.

• It is obvious that he is a Garlean sympathizer and will not speak badly about the Empire, despite what they have enforced in his homeland.
• Does not have a particularly protective personality in regards to well-bodied adult strangers - if you say you can handle your own, he will take your word for it.
• His hair is dyed red, similar to his father's. His hair is naturally white, like most Viera. His eyes give the illusion they are naturally blue.
• He has knowledge of old Hingan and can speak quite a bit of it.

Warning: Major spoilers - in case you want to get to know him ICly, i'd avoid reading this.



roleplay hooks

Are you from the Far East? Slaine has a solid background with Far Eastern practices, especially in regards to spirituality and cuisine. He also speaks old Hingan fluently! However, he is someone who has studied Far Eastern Othardian culture by the books. Meaning: he hasn't fully been immersed in all customs and rituals in practice. He'd be more than happy to be taught a thing or two about the daily life of an average Othardian citizen.

You have ties to the Confederacy or are part of it. Slaine has a soft spot for The Ruby Sea and all of its happenings, Onokoro in particular. A confederate may be able to tap in to a deeper part of his past, one that he would prefer not to remember. Slaine finds a lot of value in being tied to a Confederate, as he is a dedicated fisherman who would need to be ferried around. He also has some experience fishing in Onokoro (and enjoys it) 🐟

Passionate about Iaijutsu? Let's spar or train together. This hook is meant more for characters who may enjoy a mix of sparring and meditation. If your character is also a traditionally trained samurai, Slaine will take a lot of interest in some friendly sparring and sportsmanship alongside discussing philosophies and "Zen."

rare hooks

Can you speak with the dead? Do you know the truth of the afterlife? Slaine is typically quite hesitant to open up about this desire. He often notices people who claim to provide this service but has very little courage to approach out of skepticism and pride. If your character can provide this service and make the experience or the truth more comfortable for Slaine to accept, he may just open up a little bit easier. No scamming allowed though! :p

Your character was a conscript from another annexed territory and dealt with in-fighting and gang life within the conscript ranks. He is infamously known as "The Night Runner" - his Novus Type-R would be a tell tale sign of his involvement in Garlemald (although his Novus has been de-badged and stripped of its bodykit). If your character happened to know OF him, they'd know The Nightrunner often went to and from Regio Urbanissima to the outer laying lands of Garlemald nightly, never once being caught or detained for unruly, loud exhaust sounds.

hooks with development

Your character was an established magitek engineer or mechanic that can assist with the Type-R. A performance vehicle requires a lot of routine maintenance, especially when driven hard. Slaine often needs assistance in ensuring bespoke pieces, welding, fitting, filters, fluids can all be regularly changed out. With Lenox Motorsports now defunct, Slaine searches for an experienced Garlean magitek mechanic to assist him. (Ongoing & long-term, serious roleplay partner--trust is a required establishment to get here.)

You are a Viera with a sixth sense. Viera don't usually catch Slaine's fancy because he'd prefer not to associate with them at all, especially if they congregate in groups and adhere to homeland practices. Behind closed doors, a fellow Viera may find that he is more attuned to his Warder ways and Viera spirituality than one would expect; he often hides this aspect about his life with deep shame. (Ongoing & long-term, serious roleplay partner--trust is a required establishment to get here.)

a common tale in skatay

Axel grew up in a tribe situated on the outer fringes of the Skatay Range. Axel is a direct descendant from a great lineage of fire-breathing Veena, a trait which he didn’t inherit. The young Veena was average in every sense of the word albeit with a weaker constitution than most of his peers. His mother birthed him when she was extremely ill. Axel grew up as an ordinary Veena until he came of age. Like every male, he was sent off to protect their homeland.Trained by his own father, Axel had barely earned his right to a life of guardianship. But he did. Axel was bestowed a marking of a "bear" upon his soul, his father's final gift to his weakest son.In Axel's time as a guardian, he fathered one child with a woman he had grown up with. Despite being a rare male Viera, Axel did not partake in many partners outside of this woman; he was deemed far too weak in the eyes of the females, so they end up choosing a stronger mate. Naturally, Axel felt constantly inferior to everyone around him, especially his own bonded partner. She eventually chose another much stronger guardian to father her next child and this angered Axel enough to push him to the brink of leaving. He left his post with no regrets. With a burning desire to prove himself and destroy the man who 'stole' his beloved, Axel set off to discard his old life.

cold heart, black steel

There was no easy path to becoming a conscript within the military. Shedding his tribe’s name, his pride, and his own language. Axel became registered with the Garlean military as ‘Silvanus’ and in his early days, worked in the ceruleum refinement while being trained and placed in the right Legion. Working in ceruleum refinement connected him to a number of manufactory facilities, leading to a direct connect to Lenox Motorsport, whom he ended up working with closely.Slaine was nothing short of a delinquent and constantly fighting the other conscripts and trainees around him who were from other territories (Ala Mhigo, Doma). He ended up in a gang of other Dalmascan-born conscripts who put together junked out Novus vehicles and raced each other in the cold Garlean countryside. There was money to be made in betting on your favorite racecar driver (this gambling was illegal).During his training, he met a young woman named Valeria Lux Ligarius (Primus Medicus) who became very fascinated with foreigners and their ingenuity. Soon after they met, they fell in love. The Primus Medicus was the daughter of a respected elected official and retired Imperial officer, causing quite a bit of disapproval and intense jealousy on all sides, by the other conscripts.
Notably, Slaine’s Novus R was not regularly impounded by the local law enforcement, even when traversing the Regio Urbanissima. Having felt Slaine was the “favorite” with the Imperials, both gangs decided to report Slaine to Valeria’s father, filing a report that the Viera used his official badge to get away scot-free without his vehicle being impounded.
Naturally, the Novus R ‘Nightrunner’ was soon impounded and Slaine was quickly arrested, beaten and dispatched into Doma to begin serving in the war. Beaten into submission to serve–his teammates were from the opposing gangs (Doma, Ala Mhigo) from the training days which made his time in the military…a bit rough.

the XIIth Legion in doma

Disgusted with his predicament, Slaine could not endure his entire squadron tyrannizing his every move, destroying his equipment, making his life a living hell. One night, Slaine ended up disappearing from his unit with the hopes that he could leave his Garlean life behind and simply start anew while he still could. He was convinced that Valeria would be lost to him forever and the Nightrunner would soon be destroyed.For years Slaine’s unit “searched” for his disappearance–by duty or personal vendetta, only the unit of soldiers know the true reasoning. Once the unit found Slaine among a small fishing village, they attempted to destroy the entire village in the name of Garlemald and secure their “rightful” place as owners of the land. Their plan was to ransack the village and kill Slaine in the process--they'd frame it as "friendly fire." On the surface, the squadron claimed to be saving their teammate from certain death.No one knows what happened afterwards. There were no survivors in wake of the carnage, save for one: the Veena himself. Promptly removed from service afterwards, the soldier was decorated with awards and promotions in the Royal City. He was now reunited with his beloved Valeria and impounded Novus R. Valeria became engaged to the Viera and all seemed to come together…just barely.

the aftermath

When Slaine returned to Garlemald, the high investment in military and technology took a toll on the people. The Regio Urbanissima and the surrounding area fell into a great depression with many pieces of abandoned magitek warmachina roaming the cities without control. Elected officials, conscripts, cohorts all came together to provide shelter, safety/protection, and rationed foods for families in need. News of the Eorzean Alliance lingering on the fringes of Camp Broken Glass had spread about the city–eliciting the most extreme of responses. Many held fast to their lives and refused to give up on their homeland, some would rather die than kneel to the Eorzean Alliance.Slaine and Valeria made it a priority to assist in these efforts, convincing people to hang on to their livelihoods. However, tempering was not part of the equation. This is where history ends for Slaine, this is where he would rather not remember at all.After all had been lost, the only way left was to register himself with the Eorzean Alliance. He discarded his old Garlean name for one that is near and dear to his heart: Slaine Lenox. Slaine, Valeria’s nickname, and Lenox, the name of the Novus ‘Nightrunner’ sponsor & part manufacturer. Luckily, the vehicle was taken care of by Lenox Motorsports after it was released from being impounded.Slaine lives his life a quarter mile at a time. He preserves the history of the people in that small Onokoro village by making their food in a little shop. The Novus R 'Nightrunner' is safely guarded and preserved in a small Goblet residence.


EST • EXODUS (PRIMAL) • Multi-paragraph • LONG & SHORT TERM

Hi there! I go by Rev or Esper (she/her) - any of those aliases will work for me. I like RPing most themes, from slice-of-life, adventure, combat, romance, dark and mature RP. I prefer not to RP with anyone below the age of 21. Overpowered characters, voidsent-born, genetically engineered, Warrior of Light, Scion or echo oriented characters - you may do whatever you wish, but leave my character off your list of potential contacts.It goes without saying that the hooks are extremely important and relevant for our characters to have some kind of connection. I try to mirror my paragraph lengths to match my partner's but I am a multi-paragraph writer. As far as lore goes, I am okay with a little bending of the lore, but please no metagaming or godmodding, especially since there is a lot of information on this carrd. I am open to all kinds of connections - enemies, rivalries, friends, lovers - I do love a good story to back all of this up! I'm open to romance RP if the characters mesh/click the right way.I prefer in-game RP to Discord most times, but I know sometimes the situation cannot call for in-game RP as my life is extremely busy every now and then. For Discord RP, do not pester me for replies. IRL always comes first on your end and mine.I also like to /gpose my friend's characters so if you need some screenshots, feel free to ask me!!


Is Mare required for me to RP with you? No. I am happy to roleplay with anyone in my vanilla appearance(s). :DCan we headcanon pre-written history? No, this is reserved for close friends only. However, I do understand that Slaine has some RP hooks and history that does require some level of it - I can accept "knowing" of eachother, but not directly being involved (if that makes sense).Do you pursue romance RP currently? Can we possibly ship? Read here.PLEASE NOTE: I do have more than one RP character that I write and work on and if that bothers you, or you need priority, please invest your romantic RP interests elsewhere.Honor system or dice roll? I prefer dice roll with a simple d20 to keep things fair. The honor system only works for my close friends whom I have RPed with and trust. No godmodding or permanent maim/injury even death. I use combat as a tool to further develop relationships.ERP? Services are bookable through venues I work at. I reserve the right to refuse you service if I am uncomfortable with your advances.



romance/shipping fine print

I wanted to outline a few things since my characters are single and available and perhaps this is the only thing people look at when they read my carrd. I don't blame you all, since I do enjoy shipping and romance. Some notes about this character that are very important before you try to make your pursuit.

  1. Slaine is easy to lay with, flirt with, get the attention of. He will literally sleep with any of the races so long as they play their cards right. This does not mean I will ERP with anyone despite having booking services available through my venue. I have every right to refuse to ERP with you based on my comfort level. I am simply stating he can be (surface level) attracted to any female race (sans Lalafell).

  2. Slaine has a higher and stronger preference for Viera women. This means women who have a familiarity with his customs, homeland, societal structure, traditions, etc. He does not prefer Viera simply based off looks alone. Romance possibility is highest with this race.

  3. Other race romance is open but with a lot of fine print that I will not divulge. You can try but it's highly unlikely.

  4. I tend to be very lore abiding and can tolerate certain levels of lore bending. I like to stick within XIV lore and world stuff as much as possible and I expect the same of an RP partner trying to pursue romance.

  5. While yes, I understand my character looks like a tool and maybe 'fun' for a lay or one night stand, oftentimes I do not lean into this too much. I am uncomfortable with ERP/romance RP that does not have character chemistry or just doesn't make sense.

  6. I do not tolerate possessiveness, jealousy, or misunderstandings especially when it comes to GPOSE. You're going to have to be OK with my character being posed with friends and respect my boundaries as I will respect yours.

  7. I roleplay two characters with heart and soul. If you are not OK with me shipping my other character with someone else's, do not sit here and try to pursue something with Slaine.

  8. My character is monogamous by choice and will not participate in harems, polyamory, or open relationships on deeper levels. I will also block you if you grief me about these points. This is my character and at the end of the day, I have the final say.

  9. This should go without saying... IC =/= OOC. Don't get it twisted. I'm going to block you if you demand more time than I am willing to give.

  10. Slaine is heterosexual (attracted to opposite sex/AFAB and female presenting). Sorry, I do not feel 100% comfortable RPing sexualities I have no personal experience with. >.<

Good rule of thumb for anyone trying to romance a character in roleplay: no means no. There is an extremely high probability I am open to casual encounters but anything deeper than that requires more effort.If you somehow make it past this threshold, we can chat more.